concrete polishing

Do-It-Yourself: Clean a Concrete Floor

polished concrete floor makes a great impression and a spectacular finish both indoors and outdoors. One of the most effective ways to keep your flooring looking its best is to have it gone through a regular cleaning session and occasional polishing. This article will give you tips on how you can have your floor well-polished by doing it yourself. Follow the steps ahead to get the most out of your cleaning efforts.

DIY Tip #1: Sweep it. Before polishing your concrete floor, you will first have to sweep the surface to sweep away any dirt or debris that might go unnoticed. After sweeping all the thing you must move away, gather everything for disposal with either a dustpan or a vacuum.

DIY Tip #2: Mop it. If you have a mob bucket, opt to fill it with enough water and add a mild detergent to clean the surface. You will have to mop the floor’s surface to clean up any left residual dust. Mopping should also take off mild stains, thus, you will have to make sure that you will allow the floor to dry or wipe the floor dry before proceeding to polish.

DIY Tip #3: Polish the floor with coarse grit. Using a coarse-grit polishing disk (opt for one that measures 500) to polish the floor is an effective way of getting rid of stubborn stains and rough areas on the concrete surface. You will have to begin at one end of the floor and work in a systematic pace, moving upward from side to side until you will be able to cover the entire concrete floor. Also, you will want to pay close attention to stains so that you get rid of them as much as you can – plus be careful to avoid overlaps as you proceed.

concrete polishing DIY Tip #4: Polish the floor with fine grit. After doing the previous tip, proceed to switch to a fine grit polishing disk. You will have to use circular motions to work over the entire surface, however, keep in mind to avoid overlapping activities. Using a fine grit should have your stains lifted while your floor should look neat and uniform in all stains and rough patches must get cleared throughout the coarse and fine grit process.

DIY Tip #5: Apply concrete floor polish. Opt to use the floor grinder to apply concrete floor polish to the entire surface. This method should give you extra sheen.

Doing these tips will for sure have your concrete floor resulting in looking at its best. Search up for more methods to keep up with the beauty of your concrete flooring.